Lori Kallay - Natural Moments Gallery
Fine art landscape paintings in acrylic and watercolour from Algonquin Park, Haliburton and surrounding area presented in a realism style.
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Sunrise Bonding

20" x 24" acrylic

Featured in the "Artists of Algonquin" coffee table book.

This painting has special meaning to me. It was inspired by a photo my daughter took on a beautiful, early and cold autumn morning on the lake at our cottage. My daughter was working on a project for her photography class and I went with her on her photo shoot. The imagery was hauntingly beautiful and the time spent together was a moment we each cherish. So, while she captured our time together through her art form (photography), I expressed our experience through painting. When I see this work, I still feel the chill in the air and the warm cup of tea in my hands. I remember our excitement at the sublime beauty of the mists and reflections and the wonderfully creative moments we shared that morning.

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Sunrise Bonding
Click on the image to enlarge

Sorry, this painting is in a private collection.